All about Mia

Created by Samantha 4 years ago

Mia was born with malignant infantile osteopetrosis. She needed help to control her calcium levels so was in scbu for about 3 weeks. We eventually got to take her home on calcium tablets with a Hickman line. She was a fairly happy baby as long as she was being cuddled. At 2 months old she was admitted to the bone marrow unit to begin chemotherapy (conditioning treatment) to have a bone marrow transplant. She did really well with the treatments and again was fairly happy if she was being held. She had some complications but they were treated, until one day she became really poorly with an infection and had to go to icu. At first the doctors weren't worried but Mia got more infections then her bone marrow failed, she then got pneumonia and sepsis and went into respiratory failure. Near the end of her life the doctor put her in our arms and removed her breathing support. Mia had such a great personality and we would love to of seen how she would grow and who she would be today. The staff in Manchester children's hospital are fantastic and work really hard for the children and their families